
Decisive and Incisive – The Path of DSS


Through this study we explore the literature discussing what management information systems are what decision support systems are in an attempt to clarify the taxonomies available in the literature into a holistic discourse. The concepts are defined and discussed, the historical path of the systems' definitions are diagrammed and discussed and each taxonomy found through the literature search is framed with regard to the whole. In this work we offer a diagram charting the systemic elements which are core to the definition of what each of these systems are. This diagram is useful in explaining where an information system fits into the taxonomies found in the literature. Through this we have described the path of information systems from the processing of electronic transaction data through to expert systems. In particular we have focussed on the elements of management information systems and decision support systems and their place within the available taxonomies.


Read more: Decisive and Incisive – The Path of DSS

The influence of quality on the success of e–commerce systems


Appraising the success of information systems has long been a difficulty for management. Indeed, the definition of “success” is controversial as the term itself is multi-dimensional and can be assessed at various levels of the organisation using many differing criteria. However, the development of validated evaluation metrics is critical to future decision making for e-commerce success. This research addresses difficulties in measuring e-commerce success by implementing the DeLone and McLean (D&M) model of IS success (1992, 2003) in an e-commerce environment. This research considers the influence of quality on e-commerce success by measuring the information quality and system quality attributes of an e-commerce system and the intention to use, user satisfaction and intention to transact from a sample of respondents.

Read more: The influence of quality on the success of e–commerce systems

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